How to tie a simple overhand knot

An overhand knot - also known as a thumb knot - is so natural that it probably does not need to be taught. It must be named however since it is one of the most fundamental knots that is used to form many others. The overhand knot is also popular for securing the end of a line to prevent it from pulling back through an eye or another knot.

Overhand Knot Step 1 by Comtrain
Step 1

Make a loop.

Overhand Knot Step 2 by Comtrain
Step 2

Bring the running end around the standing part of the rope starting to feed the running end through the center of the loop.

Overhand Knot Step 3 by Comtrain
Step 3

Feed the running end through the loop.

Overhand Knot Step 4 by Comtrain
Step 4

Pull both ends of rope outside the loop to tighten knot.

Overhand Knot Step 5 by Comtrain
Step 5

Dress and set the knot.